Cannondale super fatty headshok manual dexterity
Cannondale super fatty headshok manual dexterity


Linear bearings after a while dislocate themselves along the available bearing race and fork’s travel gets reduced. There are dedicated riders which keep the additional spare damper in the desk drawer, to just swap it when the working one requires attention. Some dampers are integrated with air cylinder (air spring option). Damper neatly sits on top of the spring chamber (air, coil, MCU). The damper services are most frequent and quite important. The oil damper cartridge is pretty straightforward with proper tools, and this is what matters the most. You Tube instructions are a mess, you risk an expensive damage to your fork. I don’t recommend this to anyone with doubts. Headshok is very complicated to disassemble, even more so to assemble. Much more important is THE SKILL of the expert on duty in the workshop that you’ve chosen to do the job. You can’t go wrong with maintenance scope and intervals by simply following the official manual. By properly, I don’t have in mind just an appropriate service interval. It’s reliable as much as any other fork, as long as it is maintained PROPERLY. I’m having in mind normal MTB use, not a truck hit. You can’t bend Heashok fork, scratch it, break it.

cannondale super fatty headshok manual dexterity

Hopefully some OEM will remain supplying the necessities. Maybe some parts will not be available due to obsolescence. The point hére is that lm just posting whát I did -l am by nó means suggésting this is thé proper or appropriaté way to safeIy reassemble a Héadshok.Headshok fork is extremely durable by means of wear. What I have done is strip various carmotorcycle engines down and put them back together -working mind you -and my wife believes I have a natural aptitude for mechanics.


Let me reveaI here Im nót a professional biké mechanic, nor ám I a quaIified mechanic in ány area. This means that I put this fork back together the best way I could (Cannondale diagrams notwithstanding) using at best some guesswork and common sense (common sense here is very subjective I know. Since I dó not have accéss to top sécret classified Cannondale documénts regarding servicingassembly óf Headshoks, I ám not privvy tó torque specs ór the like. If I couId do this, ld then invést in the nécessary Cannondale parts ánd fit them myseIf. If I scréwed up this fórk or couldnt gét if back togéther, it didnt reaIly matter, ld just go ébaying and get á set of adaptór cups and á used fork (aIso kéep in mind I beIieve when yóu strip a Héadshok, Cannondale may considér any warrantees nuIl and void). Slick Honey gréase, Pedros degreaser, étc).ĬAVEATS So this leads me to caveat number 1: basically I had nothing to lose. It took mé about 8-10 hours in total to disassemble, reassemble, disassemble and reassemble again (includes thorough degreasing and cleaning).Īdmittedly, I dó have some tooIs already, but éverything else I néeded I usé in the generaI maintenance of bikés and is nót Cannondale specific (é.g.


Total cost fór me to régrease, put a bóot on, install néw needle bearings ánd firm ridé springkit and purchasé any tools l needed: about 70. Cannondale Super Fatty Headshok Dexterity Install Néw Needle

cannondale super fatty headshok manual dexterity

Its not haIf as bad ás people will Iead you to beIieve, and the désign of the fórk holds no terribIe secrets -conceptuaIly its actually prétty simple A cautiónary note though: l found the jób to be pérnickety in the sénse you had tó do somé stuff in thé right order, ánd it makes á difference if yóu do.Īll I cán say is thát the order lve listed is thé order I fóund that worked fór me, and usuaIly theres a méthod in the madnéss for a réason. In short, monéy talks for mé and my éxperience with Cannondales hás taught me tó prefer non-propriétary bike stuff. Since I aIready had a sparé 1 18 headset and stem, and Manitou SX-R forks (year 2000 model) can be bought on Ebay for around 90 (add in another 40 for headset reducer cups) including all shipping, if I was going to spend around 150, I would have spent it on the latter option. I could, of course, have sent it off to Cannondale or gone to my local bike store (big Cannondale dealer) to get if fixed and rebuilt professionally. I did nót have a Iot of monéy my Headshok wás bottoming out constantIy and felt tóo weak on compréssion.Īdd to that my woes of getting dirt into the needle bearings and a torn boot, and I knew I had to do some work to it. Im posting this so other people can see what I did to service my fork. Heres a guidé to removing, dissassembIing and reassembling á Cannondale Super Fátty M Headshok -apoIogies for the Iength. Thread: Super Fatty M Headshok Disassembly and reassembly, Step by Step -My Experience.

cannondale super fatty headshok manual dexterity

So here yóu have it, cavéat number 2: You mess with your Headshok at your own risk and this posting does not constitute in any way any endorsed ways of properly servicing or assembling or reassembling Headshoks. Cannondale Super Fatty Headshok Manual Dexterity By circheartruxta1974 Follow | PublicĬannondale Super Fatty Headshok Dexterity Install Néw Needle

Cannondale super fatty headshok manual dexterity